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Barcodesoft POSTNET and Planet Font

POSTNET条形码代表POSTal Numeric Encoding Technique。它是由邮递业务为了自动处理信件而开发的。




它可以对5位的邮编, 4位plus-code, 2位delivery code进行编码。


Barcodesoft POSTNET条形码软件含有3个字型: postnet, planet and envelope.

当使用12号字型进行打印时, Barcodesoft POSTNET字型有如下理论上的尺寸:


Character Height

Character Width

Full Bar

0.125 inch

0.02 inch

Half Bar

0.05 inch

0.02 inch





您可以从电脑打印机和Microsoft® Word®, Excel®, Access®, Crystal Reports, VC++, or Visual Basic.打印自动适配的邮件。


  Character Mapping
postnet barcode FIM A: (CRM with Postnet Barcode) a
postnet barcode FIM B: (BRM with Postnet Barcode) b
postnet barcode FIM C: (BRM without Postnet Barcode) c
postnet barcode FIM D: (Mailpiece without Postnet Barcode) d
postnet barcode No Postage Necessary e
postnet planet barcode Place Stamp Here f
postnet planet barcode Horizontal Bar g